Why activate the device atSign on the client?

When you activate an atSign, you are doing a handful of steps to prepare the atSign for use. One of these steps is cutting a unique set of cryptographic keys.

The first time you activate, this set of keys that gets generated is a set of management keys. These keys have full permissions to your atServer, the personalized service which powers your atSign.

We recommend cutting the management keys on the client for a few reasons:

  1. It's extremely important that you don't lose these keys:

    1. They are less likely to get lost on your client machine than on your device.

    2. If a device is stolen you still have your management keys to recover from the theft.

  2. For each device we can issue it's own set of cryptographic keys which has a few perks:

    1. This allows us to limit the permissions of those keys to the bare minimum required for NoPorts.

    2. If a device gets compromised, we can safely revoke that set of cryptographic keys, and limit the impact to your other devices.

Last updated