Automated Installation on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
How to deploy NoPorts on Google Cloud Platform using a cloud-init script
Navigate to Compute Engine > VM instances and hit the + CREATE INSTANCE button as usual, then select Name, Region, Machine configuration etc.
Expand Advanced options at the bottom of the page:
Then scroll down and expand Management:
In the Automation section paste in your customised startup script like:
#!/bin/bash# Modify these lines to set the installation specific variablesATCLIENT="@democlient"ATDEVICE="@demodevice"DEVNAME="cloudvm1"OTP="739128"USER="noports"# The rest of the script shouldn't be changeduseradd ${USER}export HOME="/home/${USER}"export SUDO_USER="${USER}"mkdir-p/run/atsigncd/run/atsignVERSION=$(wget -q -O- "" | grep -Po '"tag_name": "v\K.*?(?=")')
wget${VERSION}/ ${ATCLIENT} -d ${ATDEVICE} -n ${DEVNAME}/usr/local/bin/at_activate enroll -a ${ATDEVICE} -s ${OTP} -p noports -k /home/${USER}/.atsign/keys/${ATDEVICE}_key.atKeys -d ${DEVNAME} -n "sshnp:rw,sshrvd:rw"
chown-R ${USER}:${USER} /home/${USER}
NB this script is creating a new user noports to deal with the fact that GCP images don't have default usernames.
Once filled, the box should look something like:
The VM is now ready for Create
After a few minutes the APKAM key can be approved:
at_activate approve -a @demodevice --arx noports --drx cloudvm1
If the VM isn't quite ready you'll see:
Found 0 matching enrollment records
No matching enrollment(s) found
Waiting a little longer and retrying should produce a successful approval:
Found 1 matching enrollment records
Approving enrollmentId 0bd3613d-d3e2-45b3-b175-8cab06c9bad0
Server response: AtEnrollmentResponse{enrollmentId: 0bd3613d-d3e2-45b3-b175-8cab06c9bad0, enrollStatus: EnrollmentStatus.approved}
The VM is now ready for connection with the NoPorts client.